Business Grants for Minorities


Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial Fund

The deadline for this grant application is TBA. For grant application tips, click here.

This application is for a $500 business grant for a craft business owned by a female.

Directions: All applicants will be able to apply using our online application shortly. A $15 administration fee is required with your application, which includes your free membership to both Women's Business Grants (which will give you first notice on all new grants offered by Women's Business Grants) as well as to Womens-Finance. We would also like to thank MyMommyBiz for contributing to this business grant. You can find their Craft Business section and Craft Business forum at those links.






Company Name:

URL (if any):

Mission Statement: 

Company Description: product(s) description 

Market Analysis: 

Organization and Management (ie. do you have employees or family help? How to you organize and streamline your business): 

Marketing and Sales Strategies: 

Brief business plan, including your projected income:

A typical day in your business life (essay style): 

Support network in place for your business: 

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses that will affect your business and how you will use them or overcome them: 

What will you use the grant money for:

Personal Message: what one thing would you tell the judges about yourself

References: Please include 3 personal or business references with your application. Have each reference complete the following information:





Nature of Relationship:

1-6 paragraphs describing why they think you would succeed.

About Business Grants for Minorities

Grants for Minorities State-by-State Resources

Copyright 2006-2009 Funding business dreams for minorities