Business Grants for Minorities


Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find listings specifically for my state?
We have a list of resources for each U.S. state - search here for your specific state.

Are there special grants for those with disabilities or other special and diverse circumstances?
Yes, Women's Business Grants also has listings for specific groups, including single mothers, minorities, African American, Native American, disabled and Veterans. Click on each link for specific information or you can view our Business Grants for Specific Diverse Groups.

I have bad credit, am I still eligible?
Yes, absolutely! The grants are awarded on the quality of your business plan, not your credit rating. However, not all business grants work this way, so if you are applying for an outside business grant, you will want to read the article Bad Credit and Applying for a Business Grant.

I sent in my application but haven't heard anything?
Only winners will be contacted due to the volume of applications we receive.

How do I know if you received my application?
If you wish to have verification, please mail the application through the post office with return receipt.

I missed the deadline, when can I apply again?
Please check the site often for updated deadlines. If you have donated you will also receive e-mails when new applications are available.

Are Non-profits eligible for grants?
A non-profit MUST have been created by a woman, and the current President MUST be a woman and meet all of the additional criteria to be eligible.

I haven't started my business yet, so I don't have financials, how do I answer this application question?
You must be able to project your FUTURE financials, including income and expenses.

I need help writing my business plan and application, can I e-mail you questions?
We try to answer all e-mails, however we cannot help on individual applications, it is up to you to write your business plan. If you need help with this, is an excellent resource as well as your local small business association.

Why is there a donation/application fee?
By requiring a donation/application fee we are able to continue to fund grants so you have an increased chance of receiving funding for your business.

How many grants are you awarding?
Our first and second round of grants will include 4 grants in the amounts of $100, $500, $1000 and $5000. Additional grants will depend on the number of applications we receive, the more applications, the more grants.

Do you offer grants for anything other than starting a business?
No we do not at this time.

Can I apply more than once?
Absolutely. Your initial donation/application fee allows you to be added to our mailing list for when new applications are available. You can apply once during each round of grants.

Can I pay the donation/application fee for someone else?
Absolutely! We love it when women help other women! Just let us know who should be added to the mailing list, we need their name, e-mail and mailing address.

Make a $5 donation to the Women's Financial Fund Now!


About Business Grants for Minorities

Grants for Minorities State-by-State Resources

Copyright 2006-2009 Funding business dreams for minorities