Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial FundTen things that
will get your grant application denied
Take a look at your email address and consider how professional sounding it is. Is it hotbodchick99@hotmail.com? Or cheapdrunk@aol.com? If your email address casts you in any kind of negative light, go and get a new email address you use for business purposes. Ideally, it should be attached to your business name. So you@businessname.com or at the very least, you should have businessname@hotmail.com. But do keep in mind that some people will view a business as unprofessional if it uses any kind of email service (whether it is @hotmail.com @aol.com or even @comcast.net). So it makes sense to set up your own you@businessname.com email address to use for all business purposes.
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